Friday, 20 July 2012


hi my name is Kaitlyn and my buddy name is Judy and Judy's favorite food ice cream  Kaitlyn's favorite food is noodle and ice cream. My buddy Judy favorite animal is dog and cat.  Judy has a sister and I have a brother.

Sometimes Judy likes strawberry and Judy's best friend name Emliy. Kaitlyn's room number is 30 and Judy's room number is 5.

Do you know that Kaitlyn is year 4, Judy really likes story but I don't why. I think  she likes art and Kaitlyn likes art too and also my buddy Judy is year 2.

both of us  really like :

*  art

* yummy food

* drawing

* shopping 

* friends home 


  1. Are there any sports or games that you both like to play?
    Miss L.

  2. Kaitlyn's favorite sport is bash, hide n seek and Judy's is maybe hide n seek!!!
