Tuesday, 8 May 2012

awesome amazing artwork

On Monday 7th May Room 30 looked at Kandinsky's artwork.  We copied his artwork but his one was better of corse.  We mixed only 2 colours on each square.  So we started painting our artwork we had to be careful that the paint went on our sheet of paper.  We also did it on the on the 8th of May it took a lot of cosentration. We made really good work my be you can make them just as good with these steps.

you will need:

paint brush.
big piece of paper.
primary colours if you don't know them they are blue,yellow,red and black and white.
palets or ice cream lids.  We did cream colour out of yellow and white.

Step 1: Get you get your ice cream lid, you will need three.
Step 2: Put on the primary colours on one palet, and on another you will have to put black and white on the other.
Step 3: Then put two colours on the third ice cream lid.
Step 4: Then get any two colours you like and get one, and then on the other take only a smigit of the other. And do six of them and that is four easy steps.

By Brian and Taine  


  1. Me and Taine did a great job

  2. Nice I like your good explaining!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Awesome work Brian and Taine!

  4. that was what i was thinking about

  5. think think think no more you did so much explaining!!!!!!!!!:)
