Friday, 21 September 2012

Olympians visit

Yesterday (22.9.12) the famous gold medalists and silver medalist came to our school.  Their names are Peter Burling,Jo Aleh and Olivia Powrie.  Their sports is sailing. Jo and Olivia are partners.  This is the first year for Olivia to be in the Olympics.  It is the second time for Jo and Peter to be in the Olympics. Sailing is a popular sport in New Zealand. If you haven't heard of what sailing is, then i'll tell. Sailing is a sport on the water. The sail boat has a mast. It is shaped like a semi-triangle. One person hangs out of the boat to make the boat balanced. The other person steers the boat.

The great assembly started.  First we sang the national anthem when we finished we sat down.  Then we answered some questions.  I asked '' are you going in the Olympics next year", and they said "maybe".  After we sang six months in a leaky boat. We had a great time.  We get to have a poster and their signature.  This is the end of the special assembly. Hope you enjoyed it as much as us!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. cool you saw a real olimpyon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cool you saw a real olympian!!!!

  3. Which teeam do these athletes play for? Did you get to wear their medals?

  4. Who are those people

  5. Boadway East First school3 October 2012 at 03:04

    Wow that sounds like great fun.Hope you injoy it. Catriona
