Friday, 14 December 2012

my last year at point view

My Fantastic four years at Point View
Hi my name is Taine and i’m going to tell you about my  fourth year at Point  year has been the best year of my life so far.
This year we’ve done heaps and heaps of cool things like sport,schoolwork etc..  

We had wheels day is when we can come to school and you can decorate you scooter  bike etc.

Mini olympics  is a day where we support a country from the olympics and all the classes compete in games like shape box, chop sticks , bum shuffle, partner skiping and more.

 Then we had save morgan the orca day where you dress up in black and white  and you support morgan to get in the wild.

Then my Favourite art work  this year is our fireworks.

The hardest part of the year was  making our speeches , we had to do it about a olympian i picked hamish bond and eric murray the new zealand gold medalists.

We also had a farther and son night where we went ten pin bowling .

 we watch a eclipse fall slowly over the sun it was awesome.

we had fire saftey with a man from new zealand fire station.

We went on a art trip to the art exbidtion.

Technology this year was awesome  we made movies and went on lego digital  designer  etc...

then we had black and white day which  is a day where we support orcas all over the world.

this year one of my favourite pecies  of  writing was our meterphore writing .

this year we did heaps of inquary learning.

 This year we did a practice called a shake out.

Also the new zealand olympians came to our school.

this year was my first year of buddie reading i got to read to my cousin tyler.

This year my teacher was the fabulous Miss Lankow.

this year for cross country i came 30th.

also brian and bobby came to our school.

 we had a student teacher called miss bristowe  for 5 weeks.

this year we had anzac bickies.

also jeroime kanio to point view in a westpac helicopter.

this year we had a big night out.

my best friends this year were ben mishu jeffrey felix alex l  and alot more. 

and that is the end of my year 

thank you for reading   

What I did in 2012

                          What I did in 2012                         

when I first came to this class room I had to open a stationary then i put  my dis. then we had to sit on the mat we all intrjoice our self.  We all had to say our name to each another   and then  we fond out our groups. of Math reading then we had to work in term 1 we study about plants we even had a science table. on the science  able there was. 

term 2 on term two I think we where  still  studying  about plants.
now the science  has a square  that has plants and seeds.

term 3 we where starting to learn  about space now the science table has lots of space books. 
we also had to write about space.

term 4 we are still learning  about space and it almost Christmas
 time and it almost the holiday .

by Nicholas

Year 4 with me

Year 4 with me

just at the start of the year I was very shy but I stile had my friend ,it was a hole new life
 at least four weeks I was getting on with almost the hole class.

at first I had a buddy called Emily then Gemma and finaly Shayla shes so  cute . Shayla loves listening
to us reading to her shes also a nice friend.Thats the main thing this year,
so now i'm just going to name things.

new princible
fire safty
free morgan
mini olympics
all blacks
wiki page
wiki pets
and much more
see me for more info



Wheels day

On thursday the 6th we had wheels day, I brought me bike with me there were three bad things about bringing my bike.

1. I had to walk my bike up the big hill on the way  

  1. I had to ride on grass witch made my slower than usual but luckily I had a mountain bike that had six gears so I could go faster than I would normally go on grass with a normal bike

Me on my bike
mum said my bike was too big for car witch I understood because her boot was miniature so I had to cross the hill road with my friend who lives on the same street as me so we talked until we got there then I said “bye james” and he pushed his bike up his massive driveway.

So then I walked the rest of the to my house witch wasn’t very long it was like 5 metres.  then I met my brother and sister at my driveway

Birkenhead leisure centre 

In term one we went to Birkenhead leisure centre.

 firstly my group built rafts and then tested them out. our group won the race to get to the other side of the 4 metre deep pool 

Then we went kayaking we played a game where we could not hit each other wise  would lose points

Lastly we played games like giants, wizards and dwarves.

Miss Lankow

Miss lankow is our awesome teacher. she has taught us a cool game called bash. It is a game like hockey except instead of hockey sticks they are newspaper sticks with a lot of celetape

what happened in 2012                       
I did a lots things that I did at 2012. So I will say about it.   First I will say about  walking school bus. Walking school bus is you walk to school with a teacher. When you walk at the hall you can have 25 house point. Next I will say about Technolgy. At technology we make, cook and all sorts of things. But his room changed to ICT the computer room So we make some thing in the computer.  Next  I will  say about Fireworks. On firework day we  painted a fire work that our teacher did it last year. Our teacher said its so good so  we show it to the middle school hall.I will say about big night out. Big night out was on thursday. I did the maze and I bought a sausage sizzle and juice and a lots!! it was fun!   And about one the orca day.  AT orca day you have to dress up in a orca.  Theres was  a competition  who looks like a orca and I got chose but I didn't have a prize. The last one shakeout.At Point view we practice some shake out. When the office  person said shake out shake out then you have to go under desks. Then you have to go to the field. 

By Malin

What I did in 2012

What I did in 2012

2012 was the best year so far because of all the awesome things we did. I promise that I never did anything boring. The whole year was fill of enjoyment.

 I think that my favourite thing was making new friends.

 This year miss Lankow taught us alot of new pieces of artworks that I never new how to make before. For the art exhibition Miss lankow taught us a lot about reflection symmetry. Now I know lots about it see.

 I even learnt lots of different kinds of writing like pussavise writing recounts and more. 

Now I am going to tell you about what things were challenging for me. Well the most challenging school trip that I went to was Birken head lusire  center. It was raft building. I found it challenging because it was my first time doing it. When we got to the big raft building swimming pool I saw that the pool was 4 metres deep. I felt really really scard. Then we went and made our raft this year I think that me and my class used a lot of team work. That is why we had such a good raft finally we got to try the raft out in the water now I  wasn't that scared because now I knew that our raft wasn't going to break but anyway we were wearing life jackets. That was the most challenging thing that I did this year. 

This year I have really enjoyed learning with my class. 

Year 4

 In the school year we did lots of stuff like wheels day and stuff like that.Now i’m going to tell you about wheels day. Wheels day happens once every year and we get to bring anything with wheels except cars.

For a couple of week we had botany collage people come to our school and we did sports and it happened every wednesday morning.

 A couple of weeks ago we stopped quadblogging with people in america and guadblogging is where you blog with other countries and its awesome.On nearly every friday we had orca mufti day and you had to dress up in black & white and bring a gold coin,and we donate the money to the orca research.

Pointview school has a cafe for the teachers to eat there lunch in there .If the teachers don’t bring there own lunch theres lunch in the cafe.

I say a big thanks to my teacher Miss Lankow for teaching me this year.
Thank You!!! 

My time in Year 4!

In 2012 I was in a great class! that I enjoyed learning with Miss Lankow. She is very Nice .We do art , music , Technology , swimming , Plant Making , Drawing , Topic , Reading , Writing , S.S..R , Maths
ICT , Hand writing , Mini Olympics ands Sport. I've learnt that Natasha was a Viking , and Taine is a Maori  , and Adrain is a Romanian . I learnt about  a new dinosaur this year , it's called Yutyrannus , it's something like a smaller
and feathered Tyrannosaur . It's nelly X-mas it's on the 25th of December , To day is Friday 14 of December . We even had Orca Day to calibrate New Zealand's Orcas . To day I going to get my
report today. There is going to be a cartoon called  Dino Time , it's AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . I also Learnt a new prehistoric animal called Megalandeia from Australia . I love being in room30.          

highlights of this year

Room 30 has been working very hard this year. We came 2nd in the athletics relay. Sharan came 2nd and Olivia came 3rd, Kyle came 5th in cross country. Then in inter school Sharan came 27th and Olivia came 57th.Are amazing artist Amanda and Jessica have been working hard doing amazing art for the art expedition. our class did art for the art expedition on cemetery with photography.

room 30s wacky hair day was a blast! Everyone had crazy hair styles green hair, blue hair ,pink hair and red hair. We also had orca day and it was orcasome.

2 more days and then school is over for this year and we will be year 5.

There also was the shake out when we Drop Cover Hold it was exciting.

By Morgan

My year 4 time

Did you now that this week is Point View's last week of school,
and to me it has been a wonderful year and a fun year. But today
I'm going to tell you about my year, so lest start of with the first
day of school. Well I wake up  get dressed and have my breakfast.
But then I hear my mum coming down the hall to tell me to get ready
for the first day of school. So then I do quick mode and get all my
jobs done really quick and when she opened the door she said to
me wow Natasha you've done all your jobs and now your ready
for so then I shood get ready and so she got here breakfast and
then go through the door and ten seconds she comes back all 
ready to go. So then we get in the car and we drive to school
and then we get there and walk to my new class room and 
when we get there I was so happy that I looked for my desk
and settled in and the teacher said to us it's time to get all
our work done today so we did what the teacher told us
what to do.

Later in the year

Today is Orca day, Mufti,Cupcakes,Athletics day,Big night out,
Chellange and lots more fun and sporty but my favourite day is
Athletics day because it exersize for you.We have all theses
days so our school can fundraise money for our school or 
companies that have come to our school to help our learning
skills. Some classes also had fundraised money for the
 Westpac helicopter and thats why I don't want to leave year
 four this year because it's been a great year with my teacher
and I don't want to leave my teacher because she was amazing and

My fantastic year in year 4

Today I'm going to talk to you about my school year in year 4. At the begining  of the year well close to the begining of the year Room 30 started to create a blog which of corse you know of because you are reading it right now, but at the begining of the year the blog was only one page long and as you can see it is way longer now! [It wasn't as interesting as it is now by the way!]

A few weeks later in the year we learnt about plants and propagation. We planted our own bean seeds and we watered them and gave them plenty of sunlight. They grew so big that some of them are 80cm tall! Then we took our plants home and we are all looking after them thanks to Mrs Paige for teaching us how to plant and grow our beans.

Then a few weeks later some students from Botany collage came to our school and taught us how to play sports such as Netball, Basketball, Rugby, Soccer, and Hockey. We had so much fun that sports were the highlight of our day!

Round about in the middle of term one we went on a trip to the Te Tuhi art gallery in Pakuranga.  We saw lots of interesting sculptures of different shapes and sizes. There was one particular sculpture that caught our attention it was made of full of steel and it was painted with bright and beautiful colours and it was in the shape of a rectangle turned upwards so it looks like it is standing up. We also went on a trip to the Botanic Gardens it was full of pretty flowers and tall grass that for the ants it seems like Mount Everest. There was a place in the gardens that was for kids and it had a gigantic birds nest that you could go inside and pretend that you are a baby bird waiting for its mother in the slow soft cool wind. There was also a place which looked like a playground but its actually a cacti garden with lots of fact cards and information about the plants.

On ANZAC day we made ANZAC biscuits with rolled oats, honey, cinnamon, sugar, and flour. We baked it in the oven at 180 degrees. Then we did the best job test tasting them, they were incredibly tasty. We each had about three biscuits each!

Did you know that Point View has been on televison? Well it has and it has been   amazing to know that some people know what Point View school is and how much fun we have at school. For example we had orca mufti day and the news arrived at our school to film what we were doing. The camera guy bought one of our delicious and wonderful looking cupcakes!

In term two we went to the Auckland Art gallery in the city. We got there by bus it was very exciting. When we got bored we played hand games like I dare you and tic tac toe and paper scisiors rock. When we got to the art gallery my group went upstairs. Upstairs there was a room that was made of glass and hanging on the ceiling were gigantic flowers that every minute opened up really quickly.

One day Mrs Rivett came to visit us in our class room to teach us how to post comments on other peoples blog like our quadblogging buddies if you go to the bottom of the log page you will see the names of other schools in America.

In technology we made some special diggers that aren't  like the ones that you buy at the warehouse it is much better and it isn't for three year olds it fits anyone even adults.

Later in the year a nice lady named Miss Bristoe came to help us get better at learning. She helped us with a-lot of thing such as math, handwriting, writing, spelling, art and she played bash with us. Miss Bristoe is lovely she helped us and she was thinking of becoming a teacher we all hope that she gets the job!

We made some beautiful calenders. We made them by making a picture of a taniwha and then coloured them in with dy! then when we were finnished we let them dry, after a few days of hard work we gave our artwork to Miss Lankow and she gave them to the princibal and the princibal gave them to a calender company! Then we had to wait untill August to get them back but when we got them back they weren't just artwork they were fantastic calenders!

We have done a-lot more if you want to look at more of our amazing year go to the Point View school website.

By Jessica

What I did throughout the year

I did a whole lot of new things this like get better at goal keeper in soccer and table tennis and learn new maths problems and ways to find the answer.We went on new trips and expeditions.I auditioned for the choir but I couldn't go to the kids for kids,kids for kids concert is where we sing at a concert,because I was in Romania.My favourite trip was at the pools because I could show off all my swimming teacher is Miss Lankow and she is the best teacher so far she's let us do everything so far this favourite art that we did this year is the Reuben Paterson artwork because it looks really cool and we did two types.We did one coloured in and one the was made out of pictures.
a few days ago I went to this swimming race to see if i'm fast enough to go to the inter school and I did I came 1st in the freestyle heat and 3rd in the finals so I can go in the inter school for freestyle because if you come first scond or third you can go to inter school because there was 7 people in the final.After i did that race I  also did backstroke and came 1st in the heat and then in the final(there were still 7 people)I came 2nd in the final and I was very happy of myself.So we went on a lot of trips like zoo and a trip to this place in Autumn.
so you can see I had excellent year.
by Adrian

best time this year

This year has been so much fun and the best thing achieved this year was when I came 3rd and went to inter school and came 57 out of more than 80.

What I have really had fun doing dance and art for dance we where dancing with mrs Sidhwa 
and for art we have done lots but one of my favourite things are doing firework we got card board and put paint on a side and pressed down and it looked so cool.

Some of the best times where when I came 3rd in mini olympics for shape box it was so fun.

Another thing I enjoyed was swimming sports and I did freestyle and back stroke I came 3rd in the finals and I didn't get a placing in free style.

One of the best mufti day are orca mufti we support lots of orcas and save money for them.

Also I went to Canada and face timed the class and it was so much fun

what I did in 2012

What I did in 2012

In 2012 I was a year four I was in room 30 It was the most awesomest year that I had and even miss Lankow  was the best teacher to me. She let us choose what we want to do if we say art she would say yes because my favorite thing was art and making new friends. She lets us do what we 

want to do that is not the only reason that she is nice. My favourite thing is to do art and topic. Miss lankow taut us lots about reflection and rotation I know lots about that know.I found swimming  challenging at the birken head lusire center but it wasn't swimming it was kayaking but I found kayaking a bit challenging because it was hard to kayak in the water. There 

was this day and it was called orca day we had to dress up in black because of free morgan who was a orca she had stranded so then they helped her right know she is in a dolphins cage thing she wants to get back to her family but we don't know yet if she  is in the ocean or not we 

even had another orca day but it really was fundraising for morgan we. We even did some other things but the most thing I liked was the zoo olympics that time was when we went to the zoo we saw lots of animals my favorite animal was the croki monkey it made some funny noises and it really was funny and it got more funny but then another one of those monkeys came and then they started to fight and fight more and more  and we saw how angry the other monkey was so we went to see the lions and we saw a baby lion too it was cute then the other lion road so load that the baby lion ran away.

This year  I really enjoyed learning with my class.

Thursday, 13 December 2012


Today is 10 December of 2012 and today is list week in school.  Today I write about this year. this year we did lots of things.We have

Orca Day Orca day is very cool on lunch time we can buy some lollies and some and bag of  jelly bean I bought eight lollies and two bag of jelly bean.  Orca day is very cool!  But show Fireworks on Middle School assembly cool then ORca day! If you wont know about you can look that video!

And shake out!
Look the photos!

That was amazing!!!! there war three Olympians in our school!!
Next we did movies making!we have 4 movies please look

Welcome to Point View School: Movie One

Welcome to Point View School: Movie Two

Welcome to Point View School: Movie Four

Welcome to Point View School: Movie Three

Next we did 
mini Olympics!than we have Zoo tripe 
And we go to 

Botanic Gardens!

And bey!
By Samuel

My year at 2012

My year at 2012

At 2012 I was a year 4 my teacher was Miss lankow. the best part of the year was when we went to birkenhead leisure centre. What i liked the best was kayaking and we made rafts and pancakes and we played giant wizards and wolfs. the second best trip i ever went was the zoo trip. The zoo trip was very fun and awesome because we did a lot of fantastic activities the stickers are when you win some activities I won 2 stickers it was very changing so I had to be very careful the hardest was a flamingo activitie. I think some people was cheating. My class also went in a dark cave we saw so walrus that were showing of there skills that they can do. The hole class had a humungus lunch brake my friend and I were practicing our speed so we can have a race and exercize for walking after we walked and walked to some pond a hippobotomus came swimming past. Everybody was going to the an exerzing marching. It took a very long time. Our orca day was to free morgan the orca. The reason why we had to free morgan is because some people found morgan and put him in a zoo be looked after. So we wore black and white for morgan. I guess this is finish so bye bye!

The things that I really enjoy at 2012

Things that I really enjoy at 2012

I really enjoy doing art because I want to be an artist and also I could be really creative. Also my favourite thing is when we eat sausage sizzle because you can wear anything you want and sausage sizzle is really yummy.

This year my favourite sport is bash because it's challenging and this year cross country is really great because I came 23rd.

Also Miss Lankow is an awesome teacher this year because I learn lots new things. Also my favourite thing to do is swimming,do you know why because when we went there and we went early there we get to swim freely.

         By Kaitlyn

This is the girls turn to run,

What I enjoyed In The Year

What I enjoyed In The Year

This year was awesome because we did lots of exciting stuff like the mini Olympics, when New Zealand  Olympians come to our school ,we also saw lots and lots of awesome as movies. 
This year I learnt lots of exciting activity and maths like short division we also learnt lots of important lessons. We also learnt how to bake Anzac biscuits.

Somethings where challenging like  some of the maths we did, short division was one of them. I also found some of our topic was slightly hard as well. 
by Peter

Highlights for this year

This year I've had an amazing time at room 30 we've done lots of art and writing and maths and lots more but I'm going to tell you about 4 awesome things.

 First thing that I liked for the year was our Art Exhibition art work.We went round the whole school to find symmetrical pictures for our art work.Our art work was based on Reuben Paterson's glitter art work.

The second thing is that we did athletics day.All the classes practiced round 2 times a week.I participated in high jump and softball throw.I didn't get a placing in either of them but I had an awesome day any way.

The 3rd thing was our Mini Olympics. Our Mini Olympics is when all the middle school classes practice and our teacher chooses what we will be in.In our skipping you had to have a partner mine was Hayley and we came 3rd I was so proud of myself and Hayley. Our country was Canada for the Mini Olympics.

The last thing is Orca day.Orca day is when the whole school dresses up in black in white like an orca.Miss Norton's favourite animal is the orca and thats why we have orca fundraising day.We also have lots of fun games.

That was my 4 Highlights of the year!!!!!!

By Samantha

What A Super Year 2012!!!

This year at school it was a great year there was-

-heaps of trips
-cross county I came 5 place
-make moves
-earth quake drill
-making t-shirts
-helicopter landing
-mine olimpes
-big night out

we made these t-shirts

& lots lots more fun challenge exciting things!!!

Fantastic stuff we have done this year!!!!!!!!!!!

Fantastic stuff we have done this year!!!!!!!!!!!

This year has been the best year ever like doing our calendar art.  We did tannish for our calendar art they were just amazing I will never forget our calendar art.  I liked making the t-shirt for our mini olympics I got a gold too in the the mini olympics.  The mini olympics was something I will never forget!!!!!  Technology was one of my favourites too I like cutting the wood in term 2 but the technology room turned into a classroom so the ICT Suite is the technology room now.  Swimming was one of the best sports I have ever played!!!!!!!!!!  I had so much fun swimming it was awesome 
I thought swimming was the best sport ever!!!!!!!!!!!  Buddy reading is one of the best things I have done this year my buddy is Joshua he is nice and is a year one.  I thought the Burken Head Leisure Centre was challenging I thought the pancakes were yummy but hot at the same time.  We did kayaking first it was cold but after a few minutes it started to get more fun and fun.  I learnt that in space there are many Black Holes in the universe.  I learnt that Venus was hotter than Mercury  even though Mercury is the closest to the Sun.  But most of all I will never forget my teacher Miss Lankow!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

2012 - What a Year!

2012-What a Year!

This year in 2012 there had been lots of fun at Point View School!

2012 is the 3rd year in point view school because i started at year 1 ,i went to hong kong at year 3 and came back at year 4,so thats how i missed a year

We have ICT,a Library and Technology that most schools don't have!

I enjoyed Maths because i think its awesome!

My second favourite thing in the year is reading because i like reading long chapter books.

I found challenging is when we had to sew in  technology

I learn't to sew and using the sewing  machine in technology too!

I made lots of new friends this year!
Jeffrey,Peter,Brian,Adrian and Felix 
were my new friends this  year!
My friends i already new other years is 
Nicholas,Ben and Joe!

Year 4 is awesome! 

Now i'm looking forward to year 5!

Highlights for 2012

This year was the best year I've had since I've started school,and this is why.

The best thing that I achieved this year was going in all of the inter schools that our school participated in.

I went in inter school cross country after coming 2nd in school country,and in inter school I came 27th out of 100 people.In inter school athletics I came 4th in 60 metre sprints.

In 2012 the whole school got creative while it was the Art Exhibition time. Room 30 was going Ruben Patterson while doing some maths in our artwork.

The Middle School was quite on to it this year by doing adverts on our Middle School Hive Open Day.We also did adverts for our Grandparents Day in our school.

Because it was the Olympics this year the Middle School decided to bring the Olympics to our school by putting together a Mini Olympics day,guess what?Our class came third all together.

Miss Nortan our most inspirational teacher had an orca mufti day when you have to come to school in black and white mufti to look like an orca.

That is all the highlights for this year,thanks for reading!

My Awesome year at room 30

Early in the year we went to the hall and we leaned all about serial numbers from Brian and Bobby. Brian is a police guy and Bobby is a dog. Have you seen them on T.V? Well they came to our school. We learned that serial numbers are really really hard to memorise. The challenging bit was that they asked a Point View student what if he can memorise a serial number and he didn't respond.That's why serial numbers are hard to memorise.

Later in the year visited Harold we learnt about the parts of a body. We learned about the lungs, heart, kidneys and brain. We also leaned about different types of medicines like analgesics.At the end of the session Harold gave us a booklet and a sticker.

We also went to Birkenhead leisure centre. We first got in groups then We did Kayaking,group building and Pancake making. The challenging part was building a Teepee because our one kept on falling down.

At the end of the year there was Wheels day. We brought our scooters and bikes to school. When I was putting my scooter away there was heaps and heaps of scooters I couldn't even put my scooter away.
We learnt about safety driving. We had to stop at the cars and look both ways before crossing the road.

And this is the end of my fabulous journey at room 30.

The best parts of the year so far

Its almost the end of the year! I can't wait to get out of school. We've got two months of holiday to do whatever we want! But during that two months i think I'm going to miss school so thats why I'm going to tell you the best parts of school in 2012
-Mini Olympics
-All the movies we watched.
-Big night out.
-Family Disco.
-Adrian, Ethan and sharan got in to inter school athletics.
-Room 30 recited a fireworks poem
-art exhibition
-auckland art gallery trip
-swimming competitions
We did so many fun things this year and next year will be even better!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Wheels day

On Thursday 6th of December we had Wheels day. Wheels day is very cool and happens every year so      we always have to make the most of it. On Wheels day you can bring anything as long as it includes the following:  scooters, skateboards, remote control cars, shoes with wheels (called Heelys), roller skates and bikes.  We have three syndicates in our school and on Wheels day each syndicate goes at a different time.  But because we have so many kids at ours school we can't have all the wheels at on particular place. That's why we have one area in the school for each type of wheels. This year the bikes were on the field, the scooters were on the senior courts, the Heelys and roller skates were on the middle school courts. This year our syndicate got to go in the morning before break.

Anyway all i'm trying to tell you is that Wheels day is AWESOME! If you don't have it in your school you definitely should

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Hive Open Day

On Tuesday PVS had their first ever Hive Open Day. Each class in the Middle School created something to make the area even more beautiful. Our class made bunting to hang around the sandpit posts. You can see the flags with their environmental messages in one of our photos.

Lots of people came to see what we had been up to and we were able to show them the lavender and feijoas we had planted. We also took part in lots of different environmental activities, like guessing how many petals were on the sunflower. Everybody dressed up for the day to celebrate!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

What I Would Take Out of the World

What I Would Take Out of the World 

I would take homework 
out of the world
so we won't be busy all day.

I would take testing alarms
out of the world
so I can do stuff that I have to do.

I would take school 
out of the world 
so I can tell all the teachers
that you've been busy all school day.

By Kaitlyn