Friday, 14 December 2012

My year 4 time

Did you now that this week is Point View's last week of school,
and to me it has been a wonderful year and a fun year. But today
I'm going to tell you about my year, so lest start of with the first
day of school. Well I wake up  get dressed and have my breakfast.
But then I hear my mum coming down the hall to tell me to get ready
for the first day of school. So then I do quick mode and get all my
jobs done really quick and when she opened the door she said to
me wow Natasha you've done all your jobs and now your ready
for so then I shood get ready and so she got here breakfast and
then go through the door and ten seconds she comes back all 
ready to go. So then we get in the car and we drive to school
and then we get there and walk to my new class room and 
when we get there I was so happy that I looked for my desk
and settled in and the teacher said to us it's time to get all
our work done today so we did what the teacher told us
what to do.

Later in the year

Today is Orca day, Mufti,Cupcakes,Athletics day,Big night out,
Chellange and lots more fun and sporty but my favourite day is
Athletics day because it exersize for you.We have all theses
days so our school can fundraise money for our school or 
companies that have come to our school to help our learning
skills. Some classes also had fundraised money for the
 Westpac helicopter and thats why I don't want to leave year
 four this year because it's been a great year with my teacher
and I don't want to leave my teacher because she was amazing and

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