Friday, 14 December 2012

what happened in 2012                       
I did a lots things that I did at 2012. So I will say about it.   First I will say about  walking school bus. Walking school bus is you walk to school with a teacher. When you walk at the hall you can have 25 house point. Next I will say about Technolgy. At technology we make, cook and all sorts of things. But his room changed to ICT the computer room So we make some thing in the computer.  Next  I will  say about Fireworks. On firework day we  painted a fire work that our teacher did it last year. Our teacher said its so good so  we show it to the middle school hall.I will say about big night out. Big night out was on thursday. I did the maze and I bought a sausage sizzle and juice and a lots!! it was fun!   And about one the orca day.  AT orca day you have to dress up in a orca.  Theres was  a competition  who looks like a orca and I got chose but I didn't have a prize. The last one shakeout.At Point view we practice some shake out. When the office  person said shake out shake out then you have to go under desks. Then you have to go to the field. 

By Malin


  1. I really like your blog post you must have had fun this year and happy holidays!!!

    Simran & Kaitlyn

  2. Thats a really nice post about your year Will you miss your teacher?

  3. nice I hope you enjoyed your year : )

  4. merry christmas
