Thursday, 13 December 2012

Highlights for this year

This year I've had an amazing time at room 30 we've done lots of art and writing and maths and lots more but I'm going to tell you about 4 awesome things.

 First thing that I liked for the year was our Art Exhibition art work.We went round the whole school to find symmetrical pictures for our art work.Our art work was based on Reuben Paterson's glitter art work.

The second thing is that we did athletics day.All the classes practiced round 2 times a week.I participated in high jump and softball throw.I didn't get a placing in either of them but I had an awesome day any way.

The 3rd thing was our Mini Olympics. Our Mini Olympics is when all the middle school classes practice and our teacher chooses what we will be in.In our skipping you had to have a partner mine was Hayley and we came 3rd I was so proud of myself and Hayley. Our country was Canada for the Mini Olympics.

The last thing is Orca day.Orca day is when the whole school dresses up in black in white like an orca.Miss Norton's favourite animal is the orca and thats why we have orca fundraising day.We also have lots of fun games.

That was my 4 Highlights of the year!!!!!!

By Samantha


  1. hi Sharan it's Sharan I wrote this blogpost and I just want to say I had a great year this year.

    From Sharan

  2. thank you for putting me in your picture

    1. Thanks for that Olly!


  3. Hi Sharan it's Hayley the Hails.Thankyou for being my best friend

    From hails
